Friday, March 11, 2011

Thirsty Thursday

Such a cliche title right??? Wellll...
Happy Friday!! I can't believe how fast this week has gone! wooohooo I'm so ready for the weekend.
Last night was "Date Night"... Someone once asked, "why is it date night, you have no kids so shouldn't every night be date night?" NO.
Yes we live together and no not every night is date night- we designate a night where it's just US, no computer, no cell phone, no PS3 for him, we don't invite anyone and we talk about ourselves and our relationship.  It's been awesome and helps up become better in every way. :)  We do everything from going to dinner, cooking a special meal at home, Movie night, ice cream night, bar, etc.. I love it!
Since we are a little low on cash and wanted to eat a pizza, we made it ourselves!  This was created:
Yummy easy, Thin crust pesto pizza with Chicken, veggies (Mushrooms, onions and peppers) Mozzarella cheese and lots of love :)

It was amazing and one of the best we've had!  I can't wait to make it again when I get to my Carb-loading days! Unfortunately, that won't happen until June or July. 

This also was enjoyed by me

The verdict: It was really good, not too sweet, but it did taste a little watered down.  I guess that's what is to be expected by a "Skinny" margarita.  It's only 35 calortes a serving (1.5 oz).  You can clearly see, I had a few servings, so it defeats it's purpose.  I like to justify myself by having this vs. one at the restaurant  where it's 500+ calories. It's definitely worth trying, all you have to do is add ice and a marathon finishers mug... ;)

Last night was awesome and can't wait to do it again next week.! Oh and Date nights are our "rest" days from the gym, I'm ready to get my sweat on tonight and this weekend.  I have a 5 mile run scheduled tomorrow and Spin class with friends.  I know I shouldn't be doubling up my cardio like that, but when I get to the 10+ miles, I'll stop.  Right now- I need to work on these last 10 lbs grrrr.  


1 comment:

  1. I love that you have date night! I think that is awesome! I also love the look of that pizza - kind of want to jump in the screen and eat it!

    So gonna try me some of that Skinny Girl margarita!

    Have a great 5-miler!
