Monday, March 28, 2011

PR & Good eats

Let's see how my weekend went... I ran an unexpected race- "Law Week fun run 8K" This was my first 8k so I PR'd :) 47:28!!! I am really proud of myself for being able to run consistently under 10 min miles.  Last time that happened was at the RNR SA in November.  It felt good and was on the runners high all day.
The weather was perfect to lay out and try to get a tan, I'm a little ghostly right now :)
Sprinkles Vegan red velvet cupcake.  Has anyone tried sprinkles?  AMAZING! Go try one, I promise you it'll be the best red velvet you've ever had in your life! (of course they have the regular red velvet).  My 2nd fav that isn't pictured because my bf devoured it in the car, is their coconut dark chocolate.  Heaven in my mouth. Seriously.

Low sodium rice cakes with the best Almond Butter known to man!! Amazeballs!  Perfect snack.
Clearly I have an obsession with Nut butters (there are 3 diff. jars in the fridge).
Look how beautiful these are- roasted bell peppers are my absolute favorite!
After searching long and far, I finally found this! A grapefruit spoon.  It's perfect and now I wont have to get my face all wet and have things stuck between my teeth.  No one likes that, and it's not cute.
I can now fully enjoy this 10 pound bag of grapefruit I bought at Kroger for only $3.99!!! Whole foods has the same thing but at $7.99 no thank you!  We all know Grapefruit is one of the things we don't have to buy Organic.

Congrats to Kim! who PR's in the Dallas 1/2 marathon.  You're awesome girl and you rocked it. 


  1. Awesome job on the PR! I've never been a huge grapefruit fan but they look so pretty. Do you just eat it plain or with something?

  2. Great job at the 8k!! I've never tried Sprinkles, but I love Crave's red velvet cupcakes... is Sprinkles even better?

  3. Awesome job on the 8k! I'm seriously drooling over those sprinkles cupcakes too!

  4. Awwww, thanks girl! =)

    Lovin' that running skirt - uber cute! Congrats on your sub-10 pace, by the way!

    I got my grapefruit spoon years ago through Pampered Chef - love it! It's definitely not cute to get that business caught between your teeth - ha!

    Red Velvet is soooo my fave flavor. Makes me all hungry just lookin' at it. =D

  5. WAY TO GO on your race!!! Thats awesome girl!

    Where is Sprinkles?! WHERE!?!? I've wanted to go there. :) Vegan cupcakes are calling my name, yo!

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